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Safari Web Inspector Download

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  1. Safari Web Inspector Ipad
  2. Enable Web Inspector Safari

Dear Apple communities
I've had a problem with Safari Web Inspector since version 10.9.0 and now upgraded into 10.9.1 but the problem still persists
the Web Inspector always freezing, can't scroll the inspector window, and the Inspector window sometimes greyed out (screenshot added)
how to fix this problem ?
any helps are appreciated
thank you

I am using jQuery and calling my javascript using $(document).ready(). When, on the same page, I call my JS using window.onload, the errors show up like I would expect. I hope I have got something else wrong, because this would seem to discourage writing unobtrusive javascript.

I just upgraded my iPhone 5c to iOS 8 and now my Mavericks (10.9.4) Safari Web Inspector (7.0.6) no longer connects to the Mobile Safari. Weirdly enough when I save the web site to my home screen it works (navigator.standalone = true), but not if the web site runs in the regular Mobile Safari browser. The inspector can be started by adding a script to your page or running a bookmarklet. Weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.

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    It's not a high priority bug however, so don't get your hopes up
    Make sure to send your feedback as well.

  • Is it possible to set the Safari web inspector so that it shows color codes as hex values (e.g., #e5e5e5) instead of rgb values (229,229,229)? I haven't found anything in the menus, but perhaps there's a variable somewhere that can be set through the command line?
    It's not a high priority bug however, so don't get your hopes up
    Make sure to send your feedback as well.

  • Sometimes the console on Safari's Web Inspector doesn't show me javascript errors. This makes debugging a page harder (e.g., I think a page is free of JS errors, when really Safari just isn't showing them to me).
    This is how I expect it to work: I load a page and open the Web Inspector. It shows me any JS errors. If I reload the page, the Inspector also reloads and shows me the JS errors. Often it does work this way.
    Sometimes, though, one some pages, when I reload the page, the Inspector clears and reloads like above, but the JS errors don't show up in the console (I do get a red indicator next to the JS file with the number of errors). If I close the inspector and reopen it, the errors then show up.
    I have tried restarting Safari, restarting my computer, and reinstalling Safari. This is Safari Version 3.2.1 (5525.27.1).

    I am using jQuery and calling my javascript using $(document).ready(). When, on the same page, I call my JS using window.onload, the errors show up like I would expect. I hope I have got something else wrong, because this would seem to discourage writing unobtrusive javascript.

  • Has anyone else noticed how bad the new web inspector is for Safari. Before they changed it, it worked exactly like Google Chromes tools. But of course they have tried to make it more feature rich and have ruined it as a result.
    Is there any way of reverting it or will Apple developers listen up? As a designer/developer I dont wish to have to do all my styling changes and testing in Chrome or set Chrome as my default browser. But something tells me I might have to Safari's tools don't improve.
    First off, you can inspect an item, but when you continue to look at other items on the page or refresh the page and re-check elements the html code view either switches to DOM mode or just shows blank, therefore leaving nothing to click on and inspect.
    Secondly, it doesnt remember the display settings I wish to use from a previous session. So I have to close the extra navigation inspector and then select styling from the right hand inspector window. Its driving me mad.
    Maybe there is a firebug extension I can add in and use instead. Apple get a grip, this is a terrible inspector.. on par with the more recent changes to Firefox's inspector.

    Where to send product feedback to Apple:

  • Is this the place to ask questions about the web inspector? Ive had a look around but can't find a developer forum.
    Anyhow, the Firebug extension for Firefox usefully shows the POST data (and other parameters) when I'm debugging my scripts. (see image) - Its shows me all the info I need - headers, post, response and html
    Where can I see this information in webkit's web inspector?

    I can't believe this passed QA. It can't be intentional. The absense of the ability to view POST traffic renders the whole network utility next to useless. I've had to resolve to using Chrome for my POST peaking needs. This needs to be voiced, people. Please let Apple know what you think about this amputation stunt:

  • Hi to everyone,
    I've a Macbok pro 15' buyed in september 2011; few days ago, Safari's web inspector has disappeared. Today I've updated the software to version 5.17 and web inspector is already not present. What happens? I've uninstalled Garageband recently and I use Clean My Mac to clear os cache and other useless stuff (I've been using it from a long time ago and nothing like this has ever happened).
    Thanks in advance to all.
    Marco Chrome browser download for pc.

    Solved! I've just buyed a new mac book pro and I did not remember that web developement tool is not enable by default. Bye

  • I just noticed in the Safari inspector that when I double-click the class of a DOM element and add an additional and already-existing class, the existing rule does not apply. And of course, refreshing wipes all changes. Is there anything I am missing, that allows you to refresh the styles without doing a page reload?
    I work in an enterprise environment where changes must be committed to SVN, then checked out on a QA box, and finally compiled into the Java app before I can see changes. Therefore, it is vital that I am able to make changes in the inspector for a visual check before going through the 10-12 minute process of updating a css rule or adding a class to an element.
    And for those who offer the advice of using Chrome, I generally do. But the Safari inspector is necessary for developing for Safari in IOS.
    Thank you for any help.

    Since this is the community for troubleshooting Safari for OS X, post your topic in the > Developer Forums: Apple Support Communities instead.

  • Is there any way to get rid of or at leas hide the previous console output when I reload the page?
    Currently Safari just puts a very faint dotted line between the various reloads' output, and it's occasionaly hard to tell if I've fixed the probem or not.
    Safari Version 7.0 (9537.71)

    e.g. here is the difference between 'You still have an error to fix'
    and 'You just fixed that error'
    blown up 2x, so it is a little easier to notice the difference than in practice
    There is a tiny trashcan icon to clear the console, but it is very tiny and occasionally isn't even there, I have to click away from the console and click back to see it.
    Message was edited by: dwightk

  • As chrome shows everything right, safari always show some resources take 16229.0 days to download, and the resource is actually downloaded in a few ms.
    It happens to every sites(I guess) and every resources randomly.
    All extension is disabled and I just reset safari, but nothing changes.

    Safari also takes a long time(more than 10s) to load a page sometimes while Chrome just load it instantly. I think this happens when it shows to take 16229 days to load resources

  • I can't see the number lines of the CSS stylesheet anymore using the line inspector.
    Anyone knows how to put in back ?

    Apple has made it so you can only use Safari Web Inspector.
    File feedback as to how it has limited you.
    The information you are looking for (if I remember correctly). is hidden. you need to hover your cursor over where the information usually is and there should be an icon of a circle with an arrow in it.. if you hover over that, it'll show you the content you are looking for.
    Having said that Apple is always making changes so if you were to file feedback on why this does not work for you, Apple may change it to work better for debugging websites.
    I already filed feedback about this. I state that when I inspect and element I want to be able to see the CSS file and line row it starts at without having to hover my cursor over an icon to reveal it.
    I hope this helps.

  • Does anyone know how to access the Safari App on the computer to use Web Inspector?

    Yes there is, but it does not work standalone. You must tether (with a physical cable) the iPad to a computer running Safari.

  • Hi all, I really like the Safari web inspector but I can't seem to find keyboard shortcuts for the main things I need it for.
    • Inspect element
    • Then, once you have inspected an element and you want to inspect another you need to click on the little magnifying glass
    Maybe I could create these in system preferences or something? I'm sure I did something along those lines before..
    Any thoughts will be welcome!

    I use right or control click. I've yet to find a keyboard shortcut.
    Try Google..

  • When I run 'Inspect Element' on Safari 7, nothing happens. I don't see the Web Inspector and the page appears to lag a little bit. I am running Mavericks 10.9.2 and Safari 7.0.3.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don't be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only 'Guest User' login created by 'Find My Mac.'
    While logged in as Guest, you won't have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don't be alarmed by this; it's normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you've activated 'Find My Mac' or FileVault, then you can't enable the Guest account. The 'Guest User' login created by 'Find My Mac' is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a Fusion Drive or a software RAID, you can't do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won't work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you've forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of Steps 1 and 2.

  • I use the web inspector to make a lot of 'on the fly' css tweaks which I then add to custom css files on wordpress blogs. The latest version of safari still allows me to do it BUT I can only select the rules OR the selectors when I want to copy what I have done. It refuses to let me select the entire block (rules and selectors) thus making me to two copy/paste operations when before I only needed to do it once.
    Any ideas how to get around this?

    Bump. I updated to Mavericks a couple of weeks ago and have just slammed into this issue. The only 'workaround' I've found is to click the link for the stylesheet that you've just modified and copy the code from that, but that's an extra step that I shouldn't have to perform when text is right there in front of me.
    On top of that, I don't seem to be able to even add an attribute to an existing class anymore - hitting Tab, which used to let you quickly start a new attribute in the rule that you're editing, literally inserts a tab into whatever you're typing. Absurd! There are no tabs in CSS other than for visual organization that's irrelevant in this context. Why would the Inspector allow you to type actual tabs here?!
    But what, there's more! While I love the new '+ New Rule' button, even here I'm not able to add attributes - unless I'm missing something, I would love to learn that I am - to the new rule. So if this new rule has six attributes, then it displays in the Inspector as six new rules, each with the same name. Absurd x2.
    I really do like some of the changes to the Safari 7 Inspector, but I would gladly give them up in order to eliminate these infuriating UI obstacles. It's not worth it, and it's slowing me WAY the **** down. I've been one of the few Safari-centric web devs out there for many years, but if this doesn't get fixed then I'm going to have to finally make the migration to Chrome, and I won't be coming back if I do so.
    Bonus gripe: The two irritations above combine to form one 'super irritation'! After you've created a temporary rule to your liking, you can't select it. Period. All you can do is select/copy either the rule's class/ID or its attributes, not both. Brilliant.

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Safari User Guide

Download music, PDFs, software, and other items by clicking links on webpages.

Important: If a download contains software, an alert appears when you open the item. To be safe, don't open it if you weren't expecting a software program or if it's not from a trusted source.

Download an item

  1. In the Safari app on your Mac, click anything identified as a download link, or Control-click an image or other object on the page.

  2. Choose Download Linked File. (Some webpage items can't be downloaded.)

    Safari decompresses files such as .zip files after it downloads them.

    Note: If you download an item that you previously downloaded, Safari removes the older duplicate so it doesn't take up space on your Mac. See Optimize storage space on your Mac.

See items you downloaded

Safari Web Inspector Download

Safari Web Inspector Ipad

  1. In the Safari app on your Mac, click the Show Downloads button near the top-right corner of the Safari window.

    The button isn't shown if the downloads list is empty.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Pause a download: Click the Stop button to the right of the filename in the downloads list. To resume, click the Resume button .

    • Find a downloaded item on your Mac: Click the magnifying glass next to the filename in the downloads list. If you move a file or change the download location after downloading it, Safari can't find the file.

      Tip: To change where downloaded items are saved on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the 'File download location' pop-up menu and choose a location.

    • Clear the downloads list: In the downloads list, click Clear. To remove one item, Control-click it, then choose Remove From List.

      By default, Safari automatically removes an item after one day. To change when items are automatically removed, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the 'Remove download list items' pop-up menu and choose an option.

Enable Web Inspector Safari

See alsoAdd passes to Wallet in Safari on MacIf you can't download an item from the web using Safari on MacChange Websites preferences in Safari on Mac

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